following is a synopsis of "ME"
As a "know-it-all" teenager in 1959
I decided to quit high school and get married.
After all I wasn't planning on doing
anything worth while with my life,
so what did I need a diploma for?
After fifteen years of physical and mental abuse
by the father of our eight children
I decided to get out or get killed.
We divorced in 1974.
It wasn't easy.
I had been a dependent for my entire life
and now all of a sudden
I had eight kids depending on me.
I was one of the lucky ones, I found a meager job
and in the course of a few months
found a man that wanted to take care of my children.
I told him that if he wanted my kids
he had to take me, too.
Reluctantly he agreed,
and we were married in June of 1975.
We moved to Indiana.
My husband drove semi for the
first 14 years we were married.
I was fortunate to be able to travel
with him during the summer months while
the kids spent their vacation with their father.
We have visited nearly every state
in the connecting 48
and hope to see the rest before we die.
We tried for nearly 20 years to develop
a relationship with his two sons.
Finally, a few years ago, it happened.
We are proud to say we have ten kids,
(five girls and five boys)
with twenty-one
nine great grandchildren.
(at this writing)
Through the years I have learned
some very interesting things:
"Moms do know best"
My mom told me I would never have anything
as long as I was married to "him",
she was right,
with the exception of my 8 wonderful kids.
"Patience is a virtue"
I waited patiently for my kids to grow up.
"God helps those that help
I admit, I did get a lot of help from family and
friends when I needed it most, but without my
faith in God I would never have taken that big
step and gotten out of a bad marriage.
"An education is the doorway to
After being out of school for 20 years, I went
back and graduated high school, in 1979, with my eldest child.
It wasn't easy but I knew that with all I
had been through I could do it.
Although the diploma has not been
an earth shattering bonus to my life,
it has given me the peace of mind
knowing I did something worth while
in completing my education.
Who knows, maybe I will enroll in college next!
The moral of this story is,
it is never too late
to get your life on the right track....
I did it and you can too!
To see my 10 kids and most of the grandkids,
click on the "Next" button below! (^.^)
Thanks for visiting and listening.
Thank You Pansy.